Every day we meet people who have not yet heard of the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. But that’s okay! We are always excited to meet new faces and enjoy the exclamations […]

Clackamas County has an abundance of working lands. This category captures our work to help keep agricultural lands healthy and productive. Our work with nurseries, Christmas tree farms, crop and food producers, and farmers markets all fit in this category. Of course, work on these lands always provides additional conservation benefits!
Every day we meet people who have not yet heard of the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. But that’s okay! We are always excited to meet new faces and enjoy the exclamations […]
Woody Weeds of Clackamas County People who work with or manage invasive weeds on their property will be happy to check out a recent WeedWise publication entitled, Woody Weeds of Clackamas County. This […]
Fall has officially arrived and soon we’ll be firmly immersed in rain and mud season. Landowners with livestock face additional challenges once the Oregon rains arrive in full. Muddy pastures and paddocks can […]
Today we were fortunate to have the two experts available to talk about post-fire erosion control practices. Kathy Pendergrass the Oregon State Plant Material Specialist and Andrew Owen the Oregon State Forester both […]
Wildfire Resources The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District would like to express its sincere gratitude to all of the fire fighters around the district and across the state who are or have […]
Forest fires are currently raging along the West Coast. Here in Clackamas County, when this time of year rolls around, we cross our fingers, hoping wildfires will not start on our property. Use […]
Fall pasture management can help ensure a healthy pasture for next year. As dry summer days give over to autumn rains, pasture grasses experience new root growth and work to store carbohydrates in […]
Did you know that Clackamas County is home to 12 different summer farmers markets? Our local markets are well represented in both rural and urban parts of our District and provide our communities […]
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is proud to announce 2020 scholarship award recipients Alexa Hayes from Damascus and Maja Rohling from Milwaukie. These awards of $3,000 each are available to Clackamas County […]
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