Weirs are barriers built in a stream to pool water for irrigation, recreation, and sometimes to generate power. They are found in many of our local streams, even though most are no longer […]

Weirs are barriers built in a stream to pool water for irrigation, recreation, and sometimes to generate power. They are found in many of our local streams, even though most are no longer […]
What do a 14-foot-tall fish, a table full of local historical artifacts, and a clothesline of fish-print shirts have in common? They were all found at the Milk Creek Watershed Celebration held at […]
In 2012 the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District implemented a stream restoration project on Milk Creek, a tributary and major stream in the Lower Molalla River watershed. The purpose of the project […]
If you see a 14-foot tall Chinook salmon travelling down the highway, follow it to Camp Adams and the Milk Creek Watershed Celebration! Claudia the Chinook will be the guest of honor at […]
Last month we conducted a pebble count on Milk Creek at the site of the vegetated log matrix that was built last summer. A pebble count is a common method used by river […]
With a contract crew on site today to treat weeds, it was the perfect time to take a look at the condition of the vegetated log matrix the Clackamas County SWCD installed last […]
Spring is fast approaching and the urge is strong to get outside and dig in the soil! We have the planting bug, too, at the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District. Our […]
Watch this time-lapse video to see the construction of a large vegetated log matrix structure. Construction occurred in August and September 2012 and took 12 days over a three-week period to complete. We’ve […]
Milk Creek is home for several Molalla basin fish species: Chinook and Coho salmon, winter steelhead, cutthroat trout, and Pacific lamprey. A limiting factor for salmon and steelhead habitat in Milk Creek is […]
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