Scotch broom is a wide-spread invasive weed in our community. You have probably noticed large stands of it along our rural roads and highways, in pastures and in forests. Now is a great […]

Scotch broom is a wide-spread invasive weed in our community. You have probably noticed large stands of it along our rural roads and highways, in pastures and in forests. Now is a great […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District offers an Equipment Rental Program which makes a variety of agricultural equipment available at reasonable prices to Clackamas County residents. Now that the fall and winter […]
If you have livestock or horses, then you have manure! You may have a mountain of manure that grows daily. So, is it a problem or is it a benefit? The Rain […]
Himalayan blackberry (Rubus bifrons) tantalizes us with its sweet fruits in the summer and tortures us with its prickly vines all year long. Also known as Armenian Blackberry, this wide-spread and aggressive weed […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District offers a wide range of support for horse owners in Clackamas County. The following horse pasture video gives you a good idea of some of the […]
As dry summer days give over to autumn rains, pasture grasses experience new root growth and work to store carbohydrates in the lower 3-4 inches of the stem. Anything that hinders these two […]
Do you own a property with a septic system? If so, this is the perfect week to revisit good SepticSmart tips to keep your system in excellent working condition. SepticSmart Week runs September […]
Registration for Small Farm School 2024 is now open. Click here to register! Small Farm School is a one-day educational event for beginning and intermediate small-scale farmers and rural land stewards. This year […]
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) is happy to announce the release of a 4-part video series on septic systems. This video series was funded by Clackamas River Water Providers, in partnerhsip […]
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