Jenne Reische is the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District Conservation Planning Program Manager. She oversees and coordinates the efforts of five conservation specialists as well as manages her own conservation projects. She […]

Jenne Reische is the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District Conservation Planning Program Manager. She oversees and coordinates the efforts of five conservation specialists as well as manages her own conservation projects. She […]
If you’re an agricultural producer in Clackamas and have worked with the District over the past few years, you probably already know Scott Eden. Like many district staff, Eden has a wide skill […]
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has new resources available on Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) . Oregon white oak is a magnificent tree with a long history in the Willamette Valley. Oak […]
Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) is a magnificent tree historically prevalent in the Willamette Valley. Oak-associated habitats are culturally significant and support hundreds of plant, invertebrate, and wildlife species. Oregon white oak is […]
If disease and mortality is a constant problem in part or all of your forest land, you may want to reconsider the tree species you have chosen to plant. Not all soil types […]
Congratulations to the students of Springwater Environmental Sciences School for the successful installation of their western bluebird trail. Their hard work, coupled with a grant from the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District, […]
Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) is a magnificent tree historically prevalent in the Willamette Valley, including areas in the Molalla and Rock Creek Watersheds. Today, less than 10% of Willamette Valley oak woodland, […]
Jenne Reische is a Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District Riparian Specialist. While cross-trained and experienced in many areas of conservation resource planning, Reische has a particularly well-regarded talent in working with the […]
Landscaping With Oregon White Oak Do you have, or would you like, Oregon white oak in your yard? We are looking for urban landowners interested in landscaping with oak to support the imperiled […]
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