Celebrate National Pollinator Week by taking a few moments to learn how you can best support our native pollinators! If you have listened to news reports over the last few years, you probably know that pollinators […]

Celebrate National Pollinator Week by taking a few moments to learn how you can best support our native pollinators! If you have listened to news reports over the last few years, you probably know that pollinators […]
If you start looking around Clackamas County, it won’t take you long to find the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima). This state-listed noxious weed is increasingly common in many of our urban areas where […]
Our colleagues at the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service have put together a guide entitled How to Choose a Good Pollinator Seed Mix. We are excited to share this guide during National Pollinator […]
There are many ecological benefits to growing a moss lawn as we recently learned in Cathy Burk’s article The Benefits and Ecology of a Moss Lawn. Now that your curiosity is piqued, you […]
Spring arrived over a month ago, but the weather has been slow to comply. In the hopes of warmer, sunny days we offer some suggestions on how to make your yard pollinator friendly. […]
In March 2016, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District formally partnered with the Audubon Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust to expand the Backyard Habitat Certification Program to additional urban areas […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District announces the expansion of the Backyard Habitat Certification Program in Clackamas County! The Backyard Habitat Certification Program is a joint project of the Audubon Society of […]
National Pollinator Week June 20-26 If you have listened to news reports over the last few years, you probably know that pollinators are in trouble. They have had a serious decline in population […]
NOTE: Final workshop is January 20, 2016 in Milwaukie!! Do you live in North Clackamas County? Do you have Oregon white oak in your yard or neighborhood? Are you interested in learning about […]
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