Clackamas SWCD Seeks Interested Parties for Hay Harvest at Beavercreek Farm

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (District) is seeking an individual or business (Contractor) to harvest hay on District property for a period of two growing seasons in 2025 and 2026.

Professional Services Agreement

The Professional Services Agreement (Attachment A in Hay Harvest Solicitation Packet pdf download below) includes a Scope of Work that outlines expectations for completing the hay harvest. The Contractor will commit to harvesting hay for two growing seasons in 2025 and 2026, with a first and second cut in 2025, followed by a single cut in 2026.


The District owns a 15-acre farm in Beavercreek that contains approximately 6 acres of hayfield that will be harvested under the Professional Services Agreement. Fields to be harvested are West Field (1st cut only), Center Field, Pond Field, Ferguson Field, and potentially a small section along the southern property border (1st cut only). See the map in the Professional Services Agreement for field locations.

To Apply:

Hard copy or electronic submittals will be accepted. Hard copy applications should be dropped off at the District Office: 22055 S Beavercreek Rd., Suite 1, Beavercreek, OR 97004. Electronic applications can be completed and submitted with our online form (below) or in pdf format by email to: [email protected]

Those interested are required to complete a short application (online form below or Attachment B in Hay Harvest Solicitation Packet pdf download) by March 3, 2025. A Contractor will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Proposed cutting and bale removal schedule (earliest cutting window is preferred)
  2. Equipment to be used for the job
  3. Demonstrated experience cutting hay (narrative description of past performance)

The District will select the Contractor whose application is most advantageous to the District.

CSWCD Hay Harvest Solicitation Packet for 2025-26
CSWCD Hay Harvest Solicitation Packet for 2025-26
2.0 MB


2025-26 Beavercreek Farm Hay Harvest Application Form

Please enter your first and last name
Please enter the business name that will hold the contract if not being held under an individual name
Please enter the business contact name that will sign the contract if different from the applicant name
Please enter the applicant's email address
Please enter the applicant's phone number
Please type your first and last name as a signature on your application before submitting

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Clackamas SWCD