Annual Report Published for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Clackamas SWCDThe Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual report and audit for fiscal year 2023-2024 are now available. Fiscal year 2023-2024 covers the period from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

(Oregon Revised Statute 568.580 requires soil and water conservation districts to produce an annual report: “Each year after the creation of the first board of directors at a time fixed by resolution of the board, the board, by giving due notice, shall call an annual meeting of the landowners in the district and present an annual report and audit.”)

2023-2024 Annual Report Final
2023-2024 Annual Report Final
10.5 MB

A Message from our District Manager

On behalf of the Directors and staff of the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District, I am pleased to present our FY23/24 Annual Report (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024).

This year marked the 50th anniversary of Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. Beginning as a grassroots effort across the United States to protect topsoil from erosion in the 1930s, Districts have offered solid conservation programs dedicated to improving soil and local waterways. As you read this report, you will see how far we have come since the Dust Bowl days.

Clackamas SWCD is diverse in its services and specialties, ranging from an Equipment Rental Program offering agricultural equipment to a county-wide septic repair and replacement program. In addition, our commitment to conservation planning and invasive species management evolves with the challenges in an ever-changing landscape.

FY23/24 marked the official implementation of our strategic plan. Ours is not just a plan document that sits on a shelf, but rather a living document. The plan will drive our budget formulation; annual work plans; staff development and performance; and the Board of Directors governance. It will guide us to have meaningful and equitable engagement with our partners and the community.

The year had emotional highs and lows, from the sudden loss of our Board Chair to receiving the SDAO Outstanding Special District Program of the Year Award. The level of support provided by staff and directors, as well as by stakeholders and partners, through it all, has been heartwarming.

I hope you find this report informative, and if we inspire you to use our services, please let us know.

Chris Lapp




Clackamas SWCD