The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking qualified candidates for a Forest Conservationist position to help protect local and regional working lands and natural areas. Our goal is to create a […]

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking qualified candidates for a Forest Conservationist position to help protect local and regional working lands and natural areas. Our goal is to create a […]
Part of the beauty of the Pacific Northwest is the lush forested land that surrounds our homes and communities. This beauty is fragile, however, as we have learned first hand here in Clackamas […]
Porcupines in Managed Woodlands: Tools for Family Forestland Owners is a publication created by our colleagues at the Woodland Fish and Wildlife Group.This publication introduces these prickly mammals to us, and includes interesting […]
If you’re an agricultural producer in Clackamas and have worked with the District over the past few years, you probably already know Scott Eden. Like many district staff, Eden has a wide skill […]
Tami Guttridge is often the first person people interact with when they contact the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. She is the District Office Administrator and occupies the front desk where she […]
Tami Guttridge is often the first person people interact with when they contact the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. She is the District Office Manager and occupies the front desk where she […]
Forest fires are currently raging along the West Coast. Here in Clackamas County, when this time of year rolls around, we cross our fingers, hoping wildfires will not start on our property. Use […]
Congratulations to the Guttridge Brothers of Estacada for being selected as the Clackamas Woodland Farmer of the Year for 2018! This group of brothers includes Don Guttridge who has served the residents of […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District it offering three Keeping Your Home and Property Safe from Wildfire Workshops this spring. Each workshop will be offered in a different part of the District […]
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