[vimeo 944469257 w=640 h=564] Are you interested in providing wildlife habitat, better water quality, and erosion control on a creek, stream, or river? Then join us for our two day streamside restoration workshop […]

[vimeo 944469257 w=640 h=564] Are you interested in providing wildlife habitat, better water quality, and erosion control on a creek, stream, or river? Then join us for our two day streamside restoration workshop […]
People who have stream side properties face different challenges than the typical landowner. The same goes for people who live along creeks and rivers. While these properties offer many attractive benefits, they also […]
Jenne Reische is the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District Conservation Planning Program Manager. She oversees and coordinates the efforts of five conservation specialists as well as manages her own conservation projects. She […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has a new video that explains our Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). The Oregon Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a voluntary program for agricultural landowners […]
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District staff and Board of Directors are happy to welcome Drew Donahue as the District’s new Multi-County Riparian Technician. Donahue holds a bachelor of science degree in environmental […]
Applications are no longer being accepted for this position. Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District seeks applicants for a Multi-County Riparian Technician. This is a limited duration (1.5 years), full-time position that is […]
Milk Creek, in the Molalla River basin, is home to a number of fish species: Chinook and Coho salmon, winter steelhead, cutthroat trout, and Pacific lamprey. So when the Clackamas Soil and Water […]
Jenne Reische is a Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District Riparian Specialist. While cross-trained and experienced in many areas of conservation resource planning, Reische has a particularly well-regarded talent in working with the […]
Streambank erosion is a natural process and, in an undisturbed stream, it usually happens slowly over time. However, once a stream is disturbed and plants along streambanks are removed, this process may speed […]
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