English ivy (Hedera helix) may conjure up images of cozy, country cottages, but don’t be deceived. This invasive weed can destroy buildings, poison pets, and topple trees. Ivy grows quickly, requires little maintenance, […]

The Water Quality and Quantity category covers protecting and restoring the quality of surface and ground water. District programs include water quality monitoring and many conservation practices. Rain gardens and bioswales help clean water before it infiltrates into ground water. Livestock exclusion fencing keeps animals out of surface water.
Activities focusing on water quality are about assuring future supplies of water for people, plants, and animals. Rainwater harvesting and irrigation system improvements are good examples of water quantity practices.
English ivy (Hedera helix) may conjure up images of cozy, country cottages, but don’t be deceived. This invasive weed can destroy buildings, poison pets, and topple trees. Ivy grows quickly, requires little maintenance, […]
Do you have a stream on your property? Have you considered restoring the streamside for bank protection, wildlife habitat, and shade for the stream? Today is your lucky day! You can now download […]
If you have livestock or horses, then you have manure! You may have a mountain of manure that grows daily. So, is it a problem or is it a benefit? The Rain […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is happy to announce some good news for landowners near Molalla and Canby. Our partners at the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) have awarded the District […]
Do you own a property with a septic system? If so, this is the perfect week to revisit good SepticSmart tips to keep your system in excellent working condition. SepticSmart Week runs September […]
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) is happy to announce the release of a 4-part video series on septic systems. This video series was funded by Clackamas River Water Providers, in partnerhsip […]
Are you interested in providing wildlife habitat, better water quality, and erosion control on a creek, stream, or river? Then join us for our two day streamside restoration workshop that includes a blend […]
Do you have a stream on your property? Have you considered restoring the streamside for bank protection, wildlife habitat, and shade for the stream? Today is your lucky day! You can now download […]
English ivy (Hedera helix) may conjure up images of cozy, country cottages, but don’t be deceived. This invasive weed can destroy buildings, poison pets, and topple trees. Ivy grows quickly, requires little maintenance, […]
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