With a contract crew on site today to treat weeds, it was the perfect time to take a look at the condition of the vegetated log matrix the Clackamas County SWCD installed last […]

With a contract crew on site today to treat weeds, it was the perfect time to take a look at the condition of the vegetated log matrix the Clackamas County SWCD installed last […]
The following photo gallery is probably just as descriptive as anything we could write! This rain garden was recently completed with design and construction guidance provided by Erik Carr.
Spring is fast approaching and the urge is strong to get outside and dig in the soil! We have the planting bug, too, at the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District. Our […]
Recent heavy rainfall resulted in a sudden rise in the level of Milk Creek. This caused us to take a close look at how well the large vegetated log matrix and the three […]
A quick inspection of the Milk Creek Project log structures shows grasses and willows sprouting, even though fall rains have not yet arrived. Milk Creek water is clear as it flows past the […]
The contractor and engineers worked closely today to return Milk Creek to the old channel. Stream riffles that existed before the project were restored. Great progress was made on engineered log jams downstream […]
What a difference a day makes! Topsoil was spread today and raked to provide good soil-to-seed contact. Straw mulch was placed to help with germination of the seed. The opposite bank is being […]
The remainder of backfilling the structure was completed today, topsoil was replaced, and smoothing of the restored upper bank was started. Tomorrow, the surface will be smoothed, cobbles will be picked and raked, […]
Now we can see what the finished log jam system will look like! Contractors finished packing soil on the upstream end and graded the surface back to the original grade. Add some biodegradable […]
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