As dry summer days give over to autumn rains, pasture grasses experience new root growth and work to store carbohydrates in the lower 3-4 inches of the stem. Anything that hinders these two […]

Clackamas County has an abundance of working lands. This category captures our work to help keep agricultural lands healthy and productive. Our work with nurseries, Christmas tree farms, crop and food producers, and farmers markets all fit in this category. Of course, work on these lands always provides additional conservation benefits!
As dry summer days give over to autumn rains, pasture grasses experience new root growth and work to store carbohydrates in the lower 3-4 inches of the stem. Anything that hinders these two […]
Check out our three new videos that address horse pasture, mud, and manure management. They are quick and informative! Did your dream of weed-free, lush pasture turn into weedy, muddy pastures with very […]
Bouquets of yellow flowers are blooming across our region. Unfortunately, these colorful blooms are from the poisonous plant known as tansy ragwort. They have many residents feverishly working to protect their fields and […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) is looking for qualified contractors to perform vegetation management services for forest fuels reduction. All documents that support this announcement are posted on the Clackamas […]
Porcupines in Managed Woodlands: Tools for Family Forestland Owners is a publication created by our colleagues at the Woodland Fish and Wildlife Group.This publication introduces these prickly mammals to us, and includes interesting […]
Did you know that nurseries are the largest sector of agriculture in the state? Their potential to affect water quality is significant. This article, reprinted with permission of Digger Magazine, features advice from […]
Tami Guttridge is often the first person people interact with when they contact the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. She is the District Office Administrator and occupies the front desk where she […]
Have you ever wondered why you see such varying vegetation on the landscape depending on use? One big reason is soil compaction. Land allowed to stay in permanent vegetation is easy to plant […]
This week is Oregon Invasive Species Awareness Week. Spread the word — not the weeds! Oregon Invasive Species Awareness Week is an opportunity for all Oregonians to learn how invasive, noxious weeds hurt […]
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