Have you ever wondered why you see such varying vegetation on the landscape depending on use? One big reason is soil compaction. Land allowed to stay in permanent vegetation is easy to plant […]

Have you ever wondered why you see such varying vegetation on the landscape depending on use? One big reason is soil compaction. Land allowed to stay in permanent vegetation is easy to plant […]
Finding the right cover crop that works well with a particular agricultural crop is not always easy. What works for some growers and systems may not work for others. However, a local hazelnut […]
Manure management may be one of the less glamorous responsibilities of owning or caring for livestock, but this information from the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District can help! Here is the second […]
What to Do With the Poo A reality of having livestock is the accumulation of manure from stall cleanouts and picking in heavy use areas. A horse produces 50 pounds of manure per […]
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