The District’s Board of Directors expressed their strong support for protecting farmland in a letter delivered to Clackamas County Commissioners on June 29, 2016. The content of the letter is shown below. Clackamas […]

Clackamas County has an abundance of working lands. This category captures our work to help keep agricultural lands healthy and productive. Our work with nurseries, Christmas tree farms, crop and food producers, and farmers markets all fit in this category. Of course, work on these lands always provides additional conservation benefits!
The District’s Board of Directors expressed their strong support for protecting farmland in a letter delivered to Clackamas County Commissioners on June 29, 2016. The content of the letter is shown below. Clackamas […]
National Pollinator Week June 20-26 If you have listened to news reports over the last few years, you probably know that pollinators are in trouble. They have had a serious decline in population […]
Were you aware that many beetles, flies, and “true bugs” actually attack, lay eggs in, and sometimes eat harmful pests that farmers and gardeners often control with pesticides? These beneficial insects work in […]
Clackamas County growers, you have the first chance to reserve your place for a hands-on workshop on sprayer maintenance, set-up, and calibration. This is a free workshop co-sponsored by Oregon State University Extension […]
Clackamas County has a huge horse population! This year’s Small Farm School offers a track that addresses our love of horses, and our deep desire to see them healthy and living in harmony […]
It is not every day that you see a 29-foot long, 14-foot tall Chinook salmon hanging out in a field outside of Beavercreek. No, it was not an attack by a mutant fish, […]
Are you wishing your pastures were healthier, had fewer weeds, and produced more forage? The time to start working on improving your pasture is now! Testing your soil to see what nutrients your […]
Agricultural operations that need to compost on a large scale, but are not sure how to get started, will be interested in this opportunity for hands-on learning about composting. For more information, and […]
If you own a nursery in the Clackamas River watershed or anywhere near a stream, then you may be interested in attending this upcoming workshop, Combining Effective IPM and Pesticide Risk Management in […]
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