Fall has yet to officially arrive, but social media is already abuzz about the upcoming rain and mud season. Landowners with livestock face additional challenges once the Oregon rains arrive in full. Muddy […]

Clackamas County has an abundance of working lands. This category captures our work to help keep agricultural lands healthy and productive. Our work with nurseries, Christmas tree farms, crop and food producers, and farmers markets all fit in this category. Of course, work on these lands always provides additional conservation benefits!
Fall has yet to officially arrive, but social media is already abuzz about the upcoming rain and mud season. Landowners with livestock face additional challenges once the Oregon rains arrive in full. Muddy […]
Fall pasture management can help ensure a healthy pasture for next year. As dry summer days give over to autumn rains, pasture grasses experience new root growth and work to store carbohydrates in […]
We are saddened to report that an acquisition Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has worked toward for nearly two-and-a-half years has fallen through. Clackamas SWCD will not be acquiring this 87-acre property […]
This June, in honor of National Pollinator Month, why not invite a pollinator home! We’ve put together several tips to help you get started. Plant an Unusable Area Consider planting native (non-invasive) plants […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has four top priorities when addressing conservation needs in Clackamas County: water, wildlife, weeds, and working lands. These priorities are part of our larger set of District […]
Clackamas County OneStop Farmgate is a new, FREE resource for farmers in Clackamas County. This website is designed to make it easier for farmers to find the answers they need to be successful.
As those rainy days of winter loom on the horizon, take advantage of the sunny, warm fall days to prepare for winter! Tackling farm maintenance and good management practices now may help you […]
Our friends at Clackamas Community College (CCC) are offering a workshop to those who are interested in extending the growing season for cool weather crops. In addition, they offer a workshop in aquaponics […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District welcomes a new employee to our professional team this week. Conservation Specialist Matt Van Wey brings a wealth of farming, restoration, and conservation experience with him […]
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