In March 2016, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District formally partnered with the Audubon Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust to expand the Backyard Habitat Certification Program to additional urban areas […]

In March 2016, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District formally partnered with the Audubon Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust to expand the Backyard Habitat Certification Program to additional urban areas […]
Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) is a magnificent tree historically prevalent in the Willamette Valley, including areas in the Molalla and Rock Creek Watersheds. Today, less than 10% of Willamette Valley oak woodland, […]
Streambank erosion is a natural process and, in an undisturbed stream, it usually happens slowly over time. However, once a stream is disturbed and plants along streambanks are removed, this process may speed […]
Landscaping With Oregon White Oak Do you have, or would you like, Oregon white oak in your yard? We are looking for urban landowners interested in landscaping with oak to support the imperiled […]
Wildflowers come in all shapes and sizes, from small plants with delicate blossoms, to large plants with sturdy flowers. Some wildflowers have foliage with barely noticeable flowers! Each are beautiful in their own […]
Stream bank erosion is a natural process and, in an undisturbed stream, it usually happens slowly over time. However, once a stream is disturbed and plants along stream banks are removed, this process […]
If you long for a beautiful yard that is filled with song birds and the buzzing of native pollinators, but are discouraged by high water bills and hours of maintenance, we have something […]
The beautiful blue flower of the native camas plant heralds the arrival of spring in the Willamette Valley. Oregon is home to 65% of the named species of camas, their habitat ranging from […]
What happens when the hedge you planted for privacy becomes too large to prune and turns into a maintenance headache? Well, one option is to replace it with a habitat hedgerow! The basic […]
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