District Adopts 2019-20 Supplemental Budget

On March 17, 2020, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) held a public hearing to receive public comments about a proposed supplemental budget for the current fiscal year 2019-2020. Following the hearing, the Clackamas SWCD Board of Directors adopted the supplemental budget.

The supplemental budget was developed due to unforeseen extensions of the work schedule and unforeseen cost increases in the construction of the District’s consolidated office, workshop, and meeting facility, the “Conservation Resource Center.” This budgeting process allowed the District to revise other areas of our budget and increase the funds available to the Building Reserve Fund to help cover unexpected expenditures.

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Summary of Changes to the Budget

General Fund: Total budget reduced by $24,560. [Appropriations reduced by $24,560.] Revised total of appropriations plus reserves is $4,812,267.

  • Resources: Reduced. Unforeseen lower beginning fund balance than budgeted. This shortfall is partly offset by increases in new revenue and increases in transfers to the General Fund from the Conservation Loans Fund and the Working Lands Legacy Fund.
  • Requirements: Reduced. Reductions in expenditures in the Conservation Planning, WeedWise, Outreach/Education, and Land Management departments, and in “Not allocated” debt service and special payments. These reductions enabled the District to increase expenditures in the District Operations Dept. and transfer more money to the Building Reserve Fund.
  • Property taxes: Remain the same as originally budgeted.

Conservation Grants Fund: Total budget increased by $22,306. [Appropriations reduced by $99,000.] Revised total of appropriations plus reserves is $864,321.

  • Resources: Increased. Greater beginning fund balance than anticipated and increases in grant revenue to the WeedWise program resulted in less need for funds to be transferred in from the General Fund.
  • Requirements: Reduced. A small increase in Conservation Planning Dept. and a large reduction in WeedWise Dept. Most of the revenue from a large WeedWise grant is reserved for future expenditure.

Conservation Loans Fund: Total budget increased by $994. [Appropriations increased by $150,000.] Revised total of appropriations plus reserves is $600,200.

  • Resources: Increased. Slightly greater beginning fund balance than anticipated.
  • Requirements: Increased. Loans made to borrowers are unchanged. Funds reserved for future expenditures were appropriated and transferred to the General Fund, then transferred to the Building Reserve Fund.

Working Lands Legacy Fund: Total budget increased by $51,638. [Appropriations increased by $50,000.] Revised total of appropriations plus reserves is $721,487.

  • Resources: Increased. Greater beginning fund balance than anticipated.
  • Requirements: Increased. Increase in transfer to General Fund and reserves for future expenditure.

Building Reserve Fund: Total budget increased by $1,009,453. [Appropriations increased by $1,009,453]. Revised total of appropriations plus reserves is $3,613,000.

  • Resources: Increased. Greater beginning fund balance than anticipated, increased revenue, and increased transfers from the General Fund.
  • Requirements: Increased. Increase in expenditures related to the construction of the Conservation Resource Center.




Clackamas SWCD