Residential Septic System Repair and Replacement Grant Program

UPDATE October 1, 2024: The Septic Repair Grant Program is not accepting applications at this time. The deadline to turn in applications was September 30, 2024. If you are still interested in the program, please contact us at [email protected].


**Click here if you are looking for information on the Septic Repair Loan Program.**

Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has secured grant funding for qualified Clackamas County residents for repair or replacement of their septic system, or connection to existing sewer lines. Funds are provided from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality through the Federal 2021 American Rescue Plan.

These grants will cover septic system repairs, as well as connection to existing municipal sewer lines for qualified residents. Qualification is based on the income of the property owner/household compared to the Federal Poverty Line (FPL). Applicants in Tier 1 are eligible for the full grant amount, which will vary based on the project.

Tier 1 (up to 200% FPL)
Household Size Annual Income Range
1 $29,160
2 $39,440
3 $49,720
4 $60,000
Add $10,280 for each additional person

Grants for applicants in Tier 2 will be available on a sliding scale between Tier 1 and 300% of the FPL. This could involve a combination of grant and loan funding, or grant and another outside funding source. If applying for a grant and a loan from the Conservation District, both a grant application and a loan application will be required.

Tier 2 (Between 200-300% FPL)
Household Size Annual Income Range
201% FPL 299% FPL
1 $29,306 $43,594
2 $39,637 $58,963
3 $49,969 $74,331
4 $60,300 $89,700

Program documents

Septic-Grant-Application 7-2024 Fillable
Septic-Grant-Application 7-2024 Fillable
0.4 MB
Septic Contractors 2024-2027
Septic Contractors 2024-2027
0.4 MB
Plumbing Pre-Qualified Contractors
Plumbing Pre-Qualified Contractors
0.2 MB

For more information, please contact Conservation Investments Coordinator, Heather Nielsen at 503-210-6005 or [email protected]


Septic System Repair Intake Form

Why should you repair your septic system?

Leech field being built

Septic replacement or repair can be costly. We can help.

Old septic systems that are wearing out or leaking become a public health and water quality concern, especially when the home is along a river or stream that serves as a source of public drinking water, such as the Clackamas and Molalla rivers. This program provides a valuable opportunity to support property owners and protect water quality and address public health concerns. We are ready to assist homeowners who do not have sufficient funds available to pay the cost of repairs.

Eligibility criteria

  • The property must be located within the boundary of Clackamas County.
  • Grants are available on a first come first served basis.
  • All owners of the property must be willing to sign a grant application and provide information on their income.
  • The homeowner agrees to use one of the contractors on the Conservation District’s List of Pre-Qualified Septic Contractors or Water Environmental Services Pre-Qualified Plumbing Contractors to perform the repairs.
  • For septic systems:
    • It must be an existing residential septic system that requires repair or replacement. This program does not apply to new installations or upgrades to properly functioning septic systems.
    • The problem must require a repair permit from Clackamas County. It is not simply a plumbing or maintenance issue.
  • For connection to sewer:
    • The sewer laterals must be available in the street outside the residence.
    • The sewer provider must determine that sewer is legally and physically available.
    • In the North Clackamas Revitalization Area (NCRA), connection fees (beyond the cost of construction) have already been taken care of.
    • Beyond the NCRA, grants for connection to sewer will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • For projects less than $45,000, only one bid is required to be submitted with the application. For projects where a bid is greater than $45,000, the property owner must get and submit multiple bids.

Process for the Septic System Repair Program

  1. You, the homeowner, are aware that there is a problem with the septic system.
  2. You, the homeowner, contact the Conservation District about our repair programs. You will complete an application and we will determine if you qualify for a grant.
  3. The homeowner is responsible for selecting the contractor. For the repair to be paid for using Conservation District funds, the contractor you choose must be on the Conservation District’s List. The Conservation District is not a party to this contract and is not involved in the contracting process. Although we have screened the contractors on the list for minimum qualifications, we do not endorse or guarantee any contractor’s performance. Our only role is to provide financing. Do not authorize the contractor to begin any work until you have finished the agreement with the Conservation District.
  4. Once you are approved for a grant, permitting through Clackamas County or the sewer provider may begin.
  5. After all the documents have been signed, you may authorize the contractor to begin work. The contractor will invoice the homeowner and/or the Conservation District for the work performed. The Conservation District will pay the contractor directly, up to the agreed upon amount. We may issue a down payment to the contractor before repair work begins and then pay the balance after the work is done and passes County inspection. Note: We will not release final payment to the contractor until we receive a copy of all required permit(s) and Clackamas County has inspected the project and issued a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion.
  6. As the homeowner, you are responsible for properly maintaining the septic system. This may require an operation and maintenance contract with the installation contractor or with a service contractor, following manufacturer’s recommendations and DEQ requirements.
Access lids for septic tank for a recently completed construction

Repairing or replacing old septic systems helps water quality and will increase the value of your home.

Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District
22055 S Beavercreek Road, Suite 1
Beavercreek, OR 97004
[email protected]

Clackamas County Septic and Onsite Wastewater Program
150 Beavercreek Road
Oregon City, OR 97045
[email protected]

Clackamas County Water and Environment Services
150 Beavercreek Road, #430
Oregon City, OR 97045
[email protected]

Residential Septic System Repair Program: Contractor Lists

To be eligible for the repair program, the property owner must fill out an application. If the Conservation District agrees to make a grant, the property owner will be required to select a contractor listed here to do the necessary work.

Clackamas SWCD List of Pre-Qualified Septic System Contractors, July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024

Septic Contractors 2024-2027
Septic Contractors 2024-2027
0.4 MB

All of these contractors are licensed by Oregon DEQ. Inclusion of a contractor on this list is not intended as an endorsement by Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District or a guarantee of any contractor’s performance.

Plumbing Contractors Operating Within the NCRA

Plumbing Pre-Qualified Contractors
Plumbing Pre-Qualified Contractors
0.2 MB

Inclusion of a contractor on this list is not intended as an endorsement by Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District or a guarantee of any contractor’s performance.


If you have questions about this program, please contact Conservation Investments Coordinator, Heather Nielsen at [email protected] or (503) 210-6005.

Alternative Treatment Technology (ATT) system and tank during construction

We’re here to answer your questions about our program.

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Clackamas SWCD