Calendar Categories Closed Display Event Hearing Meeting Workshop Tags 4-county cwma 50th Anniversary advisory committee advocacy committee Ag Education Ag Water Quality Ag Water Quality Management Area Plan agricultural education agricultural producers agriculture agriculture education Alayne Blickle Animal Husbandry annual meeting annual work kplan annual work plan associate board member backyard habitat Backyard Habitat Certification Program Beavercreek Beavercreek Farm beginning farmers beneficial insects berry production bid opening biocontrol biodiversity birds Blueberry board board development board meeting board member Board o Directors board of director Board of Directors brownbag discussion budget budget committ budget committee budget hearing building committee Canby Caneberry carbon CCWET Celebrating Water Christmas Holiday Christmas Trees Clackamas Clackamas agriculture Clackamas County Clackamas County Fair clackamas county master gardeners Clackamas LAC Clackamas nurseries Clackamas River Clackamas River Basin Council Clackamas Subbasin Clackams River Clean Up Clean water climate change climate data closed closure Columbi Gorge CWMA Columbia Gorge CWMA committee meeting community event community forest composting conference CONNECT conservation Conservation Celebration Conservation Districts conservation easement Conservation Education Conservation Resouce Center Conservation Resource Center Council of Councils cover crop DEI delay DFI district operations Diversity dry farming Dry Farming Collaborative Dry Farming Institute Eagle Creek Community Forest earth day Earth Festival easements East Multnomah SWCD ECCF ECFF education equity event executive committee exotic pests Extension farm access farm conference farm management farm planning Farm Social farm succession farm to school farmers Farmers Market Grant Review Committee farmers markets farming farms Farwest FarWest Show fertilizer collection event festival field day finance committee fire preparedness fire prevention Firewise First Foods Forest forestry free soil testing free workshop FSA fungicide collection event garden garden tour gardening gardening for wildlife giant hornets goats grant review committee grazing Greater Oregon City Watershed Council habitat workshop hazardous waste hearing herbicide collection event holiday home garden Homesteading horse horse health horsekeeping horses ice storm inclement weather inclusion Integrated Pest Management invasive species invasive species workshop invasive weed workshop invasive weeds invitation to bid ITB Johnson Creek johnson creek watershed Johnson Crek Watershed Council justice LAC land management Land Trusts lavender Lavender Festival lawncare livestock loan local work group Local Working Group macro invertebrates management team manure manure management Marion SWCD Martin Luther King master gardener master gardeners meeting meetings Milk Creek Molalla Molalla River Molalla River Watch Mt. Hood invasive weeds mud management mud managment Multnomah County native birds native habitat native plant sale native plants native plants nursery plants native pollinators nativescaping natural lands naturescaing naturescaping Naturscaping New Year's holiday North Clackamas Urban Watershed Council North Clackamas Watershed Council North Willamette Horticulture Society North Willamette Women Farmers Network Northwest Vegetable and Berry Farmers Conference noxious weeds NRCS Nursery NWQI NWREC oak habitat oak savanna OAN OCEAN ODA office closure open house orchards oregon city Oregon City Farmers Market Oregon Conservation Partnership Oregon white oak Organic agricultural production OSU Master Gardener Oswego Lake Watershed Council outreach partner partnership grant partnership grants pasture pasture management pasture managment personnel personnel committee pesticide applicator credits pesticide collection pesticide collection event pesticide reduction pesticide round-up pesticides plant health pollinator habitat Pollinators procurement public public comment public hearing Pudding River Watershed Council Pull Together rain garden rainwater harvesting ranches raptors recycling regular meeting regular meetng regular meting retiring farmers Riparian riparian restoration river cleanup rural rural living Sandy LAC Sandy River Sandy River Basin Watershed Council school garden science data Science in the Park SDAO self-assessment septic health septic loan septic repair septic replacement septic system septic system loan septic system rebate septic workshop Small Farm School small farms Small Farms Conference soil soil curriculum soil health soil school special meeting special session spring garden fair staff training Stafford Hamlet strategic plan strategic planning stream health Stream Restoration streamside succession succession planning supplemental budget tenant improvement Thanksgiving holiday tour track paddocks tree farms Tree School Tryon Creek Watershed Council Tualatin River Watershed Council Urban urban conservation urban gardening USDA vegetable production Vegetables volunteer opportunity water education water limited farming water quality water quantity water rights waterhsed council watershed watershed council Watershed Councils watershed event watershed health weather webinar Weed Symposium weeds WeedWise well water testing wildfire Wildfire Workshop wildlife wildlife habitat Willamette Valley work group work session working group working lands working together workshop workshops yamhill swcd Month Agenda Day Month Week 2024 Feb March 2025 Mar 2026 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2024 Feb March 2025 Mar 2026