Work today consisted of beginning to build up the roughness of the structure, because more friction means less erosive energy for flowing water. This design begins with base logs, on top of which are placed logs with roots attached. Then angled cross-logs are inserted, along with vertical posts. Adding slash from the tops of trees plus fill with plenty of cobbles helps consolidate the material and adds even more roughness.
Several clumps of live willow were salvaged and reused today, plus quite a few thick willow cuttings were placed to help develop a living, flexible root structure that will help bind material in the engineered log jam, add more roughness, and provide habitat benefits.
The contractor will be back on site next Tuesday, so expect a new batch of construction photos on Tuesday night!
- Notice the laser level? It helps to keep track of elevations!
- Setting grade while our Board Chair visits the project
- Returning salvaged willow clumps to the bank
- Filling around live willows to hold them up
- Returning spoils to the site
- Returning spoils rich in cobbles to the log jam
- Setting angled logs into structure
- Angled cross logs
- Packing fill around structural elements
- Hauling in slash to add roughness to the jam
- Engineer directs placement of structural elements
- Setting vertical posts
- Setting vertical pieces
- More logs will be woven between vertical posts
- Native willow stakes
- Plenty of willow stakes being used
- Mike brings in more trees with roots attached
- Plenty of equipment moving on site!
- Unloading sequoia logs
- That is an awfully nice sequoia log!
- Sequoia logs are rough!
- Angled logs, willow stakes, slash, and cobbles
- It’s beginning to come together!
- Our other wildlife camera capturing construction photos every 5 minutes