Now we can see what the finished log jam system will look like! Contractors finished packing soil on the upstream end and graded the surface back to the original grade. Add some biodegradable erosion control fabric and our seed mix and that part will be pretty much done…although don’t be surprised if more willows get planted!
Despite some rain at the site, water flowing gently in the dewatered channel remained very clear.
- First rain in an awfully long time!
- All of our logs are gone from the storage yard
- Log yard at job site is just about empty
- One of only a few wood piles left
- Upstream end protected with boulders
- Packing material as fill approaches final grade
- Bringing fill up to grade
- Returning topsoil to restored streambank
- Packing topsoil at finished grade
- Upstream end returned to original grade
- Placing boulders in top of fill
- Clear water in dewatered channel
- Busy as beavers!
- More rock!
- Placing angled logs
- Driving vertical log into structure
- Looking upstream before adding slash
- Looking upstream after adding slash
- Looking upstream
- Looking downstream
- More rock!
- Already moving rock before dump truck has left!
- Downstream end ready for rock fill
- Spec calls for exposed ends to be rough
- More wood!
- Staging wood near downstream end
- More rock!
- Small rock packed into place
- One machine was briefly out of service
- Contractor and Jenne confer
- Leaves of native oaks along this stream
- Back in the office at the end of a 12-hour day