What a difference a day makes! Topsoil was spread today and raked to provide good soil-to-seed contact. Straw mulch was placed to help with germination of the seed.
The opposite bank is being shaped and tomorrow Milk Creek will be returned to the old channel. Meanwhile, work on some additional small log jams just downstream from the project started.
- Beginning to rake the topsoil
- Another truckload of topsoil arrives
- Topsoil replaced at downstream end
- Spreading straw after broadcasting seed
- Engineers and equipment operator confer
- Heading to the downstream end to begin final bank shaping
- Adding gravel to the structure
- Adding gravel to the structure
- Adding gravel to the structure
- The reshaped bank is visible beyond the excavator
- Detail showing boulders helping to anchor root wad
- Sediment control is working
- Staging boulders for small engineered log jams
- Placing the first log in a small engineered log jam
- First log for small ELJ placed