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Milk Creek Featured in August-September Conservation Actions Report

Milk Creek panorama (small)

Featured this month is a post-construction presentation of the large vegetated log matrix installed on Milk Creek. This structure — and the three engineered log jams immediately downstream — protect streambanks, improve water quality, and add fish habitat. Of course, you can see daily photos by looking through our photo galleries for the Milk Creek project!

We present brief updates on our 3D project and on a large rainwater harvesting system at a commercial nursery.

We’ve been quite active in the field of rainscaping: rainwater harvesting for landscape watering, rainwater harvesting to replace or supplement potable water systems, and rain gardens.

It’s the end of the season for many weeds, and our WeedWise Program has been exceptionally busy. This program has grown over the past year.

Ever hear of a “moss animal” or “dragon booger?” No? Better check out our Conservation Actions report for August and September to learn more!

Wildfire became a hot topic as it seemed the entire western United States was on fire. A key point is non-native species can increase wildfire risk.

Some of our new financial assistance tools are discussed, including the use of temporary easements and a couple of loan options.

We won a second-place ribbon for our Clackamas County Fair booth! More conservation videos have been completed, and we continue to build our video library.

Congratulations to Jim and Mary Toops on being selected the District Cooperators of the Year! This is a well-deserved honor.

And there is plenty more. Download and read it today!

H-Conservation Actions report, August-September 2012

Topics this month include a post-construction feature on our Milk Creek streambank protection and habitat restoration project, updates on the 3D project and a large rainwater harvesting project, and plenty of rainwater-related activities. Our WeedWise program was very busy as the end of the treatment season approached. Our new weather station is online. Several of our financial assistance tools are discussed, including our new temporary easement approach to help private landowners conserve public resources. There's plenty more in this edition of Conservation Actions!

Category:Monthly reports
Date:November 4, 2012
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