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Proposed Budget and Message for FY 2015-2016 Released

Clackamas SWCD

The Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District’s Board of Directors appointed General Manager Tom Salzer to serve as Budget Officer for the fiscal year 2015-2016 budget. The District is required to follow Oregon Local Budget Law in the development, approval, and adoption of the budget, because the District receives a voter-approved property tax levy.

Following is the summary message released on March 22, 2015 by Budget Officer Salzer. The complete budget message and the proposed budget are available as downloads below. The Budget Committee will meet on March 24, 2015 to receive these budget documents.

The 2015-2016 fiscal year begins July 1, 2015 and ends June 30, 2016.

Budget Message Summary

The District is primarily funded by a property tax levy

In 2006, voters authorized a property tax levy to fund our services to Clackamas County constituents.

We are doing the things we promised voters we would do

We are helping people conserve our vital natural resources, and we are investing more funds in on-the-ground conservation actions. The combination of stable funding, dedicated professional staff, solid management, and a deeply engaged Board of Directors allows us to consistently deliver high-quality service within Clackamas County.

We are recognized as a regional leader in conservation

Our work is widely recognized through participation in local and regional forums and by our many partners. Our people participate at all levels in Oregon’s conservation delivery system.

Our financial operations are sound and transparent

Audits of the District have identified no significant problems. Our internal controls help assure the safety of public funds under our stewardship. We operate transparently: meetings of the Board of Directors are public and minutes are published regularly. We also publish monthly financial transactions so our constituents can see where we are spending money.

Budgeting balances revenue and expenditures in order to meet the District’s goals

The budget shows what it costs to operate the District, to deliver services to our constituents, and to invest in long-term conservation actions. It shows how we plan to invest funds in on-the-ground conservation actions that align with the District’s conservation priorities.

We add staff to better serve our constituents

For this proposed budget, we add a conservation planner to increase our ability to serve our farm constituents, and we add an education specialist increase the quantity and quality of information we provide to the public.

We hold the line on other services

In other areas of the budget, we maintain the technical help we provide and our financial assistance program. We focus more on loans this year and we anticipate a new program to help people in the Clackamas River watershed repair failing septic systems.

On behalf of the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, I’m pleased to present the budget proposed for fiscal year 2015-2016.

Tom Salzer, Budget Officer


1 - Budget Calendar for FY 2015-2016

The budget calendar for developing, proposing, approving, and adopting the FY 2015-2016 budget was revised and approved by the Board of Directors on February 17, 2015.

Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:February 25, 2015
0.1 MB

The budget message presents a wide range of information about the Clackamas County SWCD and describes specific items in the budget proposed by the budget officer. Slight corrections in wording were made and the document was updated on March 24, 2015, the day of the Budget Committee's first meeting.

Author:Tom Salzer
Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:March 23, 2015
1.4 MB
3 - CCSWCD budget proposed for FY 2015-2016
CCSWCD_Budget-FY_2015 2016-PROPOSED.pdf

The Clackamas County SWCD budget proposed by the budget officer for fiscal year 2015-2016 was released on March 22, 2015. The budget message is a separate document that provides context and explanation for the proposed budget. Minor corrections to formatting and descriptions were made on March 24, 2015. No dollar amounts were modified.

Author:Tom Salzer
Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:March 23, 2015
0.9 MB
4 - Responses to Budget Committee Requests and Questions

This April 3, 2015 memo documents significant questions asked by Budget Committee members and the Budget Officer's responses.

Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:May 12, 2015
0.2 MB
5 - CCSWCD budget for FY 2015-2016 approved by Budget Committee

On April 30, 2015, the Budget Committee made revisions to, and approved, a budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 for the Clackamas County SWCD.

Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:May 12, 2015
0.9 MB
6 - Resolution 2015-005 Adopting Budget For FY 2015-2016
Budget Resolution 2015-005 Adopting FY 2015-2016 Budget.pdf
Version: ADOPTED

Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:May 22, 2015
74 KB
7 - CCSWCD Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, ADOPTED May 19, 2015
Version: ADOPTED

Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:May 22, 2015
0.3 MB
8 - CSWCD Supplemental Budget for FY 2015-2016 - ADOPTED 15March2016

Category:Budget 2015-2016
Date:March 22, 2016
0.9 MB