CREP practices include streamside/riparian plantings.
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has a new video that explains our Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP).
The Oregon Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a voluntary program for agricultural landowners that provides financial and technical assistance to restore riparian areas. A riparian area is the land next to streams, creeks and other waterways. This area is crucial for many native species.
How can CREP benefit you?
Landowners who participate in the CREP program can benefit from:
- Annual conservation payments
- Reimbursement of 75% for the cost of riparian restoration practices
- Signing and practice incentive payments
- Reduction in erosion
- Increase in bank stability
- Flood mitigation
Want to learn more? Find out if you qualify for CREP by watching this video!
The following video was created by our Multi-County CREP Technician, Drew Donahue. Donahue provides CREP services to landowners in Clackmas, Marion, and Yamhill Counties.
This video reflects the most current information as of the 2018 Farm bill and is subject to change. The next Farm Bill is expected to be released in 2023.
Riparian (streamside) restoration practices include:
- Tree and shrub planting
- Removal of invasive weeds such as Himalayan blackberry, English ivy, Reeds canary grass, Scotch broom, etc.
- Fencing to exclude livestock
- Off-stream watering
- Mulching and tree protective covers
Contact our Multi-County CREP Technician
For additional information about the CREP program, please contact Drew Donahue at 503-210-6016 or by email at [email protected].