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Budget Committee Approves Budget for FY 2014-2015

Clackamas SWCD

At the second meeting of the Budget Committee held on April 23, 2014, the Committee approved a revised budget proposal. With 12 of 14 Committee members present, there were no dissenting votes when the presiding officer called for the vote.

The next opportunity to comment on the budget in person will be the public hearing to be held on May 20, 2014 at 12:30 pm in the District’s conference room. Please contact the District Manager if you would like to provide comment before May 20, 2014.

Following the public hearing, the District’s Board of Directors will consider adopting the budget at their regular meeting on May 20 at 4:00 pm.

Significant budget items

New fund created

The Working Lands Legacy Fund establishes support for the long-term protection of working lands (farms, fields, and forests) and the habitat associated with such lands.

New department created

The Land Management Department is where the District details the expenditures necessary for managing easements and lands held by the District.

Conservation Fund maintained

Implementation of conservation practices by and for landowners is funded out of the Conservation Fund. The District also provides partner support grants to various organizations that do work that helps advance the District’s mission and goals. The Conservation Fund has been a successful mechanism for setting aside and applying funds to on-the-ground conservation opportunities. The back page of our 2013 annual report shows how Conservation Fund dollars have been focused on the District’s conservation goals.

CCSWCD Annual Report 2013
Annual Report 2013-2013 FINAL for web.pdf

Our 2012 annual report covers the time period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.

Category:Annual reports
Date:April 23, 2014
6.6 MB

WeedWise Program expanded

The approved budget envisions the District hiring a third person for our successful WeedWise Program. Managing invasive species, coordinating resources across various organizations, and educating people about invaders is intensive, demanding work that continues to grow in scope and complexity. Working to control invasive weeds is a commitment the District made when a permanent tax base was sought, and we continue to fulfill that promise.

Tax levy increased to cover expanded services

The District currently levies 4.9 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. The permanent tax limit approved by voters is 5 cents per $1,000. For the FY 2014-2015 budget as approved by the Budget Committee, the District anticipates imposing a 5 cents per $1,000 tax levy. The difference between a 4.9-cent levy and a 5-cent levy is projected to be $38,252, just enough to fund an additional WeedWise Program person.

What’s next?

Following approval of the budget by the Budget Committee, the District’s Board of Directors holds a budget hearing on the budget as approved by the Committee. Any person may comment on the approved budget at the hearing.

After the hearing, the Board of Directors can change the budget estimates and the tax levy approved by the Budget Committee. However, if the Board increases the tax by any amount, or if the Board increases expenditures in any fund by 10% or more, the District must republish the amended budget summary and hold another budget hearing.

The deadline for the Board of Directors to enact a resolution that adopts the budget, makes appropriations, imposes tax levies, and categorizes each tax is June 30, 2014.


1 - Budget Calendar for FY 2014-2015
Version: Revised and Approved April 15, 2014

The budget calendar for developing, proposing, approving, and adopting the FY 2014-2015 budget was revised and approved by the Board of Directors on April 15, 2014.

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:March 5, 2014
68 KB

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:February 21, 2015
0.5 MB

The budget message presents a wide range of information about the Clackamas County SWCD and describes specific items in the budget proposed by the budget officer.

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:March 28, 2014
0.8 MB
3 - CCSWCD budget proposed for FY 2014-2015
CCSWCD_Budget-FY_2014 2015-PROPOSED.pdf

The Clackamas County SWCD budget proposed by the budget officer for fiscal year 2014-2015 was released on March 28, 2014. The budget message is a separate document that provides context and explanation for the proposed budget.

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:March 28, 2014
1.1 MB
4 - Responses to Budget Committee Requests and Questions

The Budget Committee requested a change and asked some questions of the Budget Officer. This April 18, 2014 memo documents the questions and answers, then briefly describes changes made to balance the budget.

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:April 23, 2014
0.1 MB
5 - CCSWCD budget for FY 2014-2015 approved by Budget Committee

On April 23, 2014, the Budget Committee made revisions to, and approved, a budget for fiscal year 2014-2015 for the Clackamas County SWCD.

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:April 23, 2014
1.1 MB
6 - Overview of Approved 2014-2015 Budget

This is a short slide show in Adobe Acrobat PDF format that highlights important parts of the budget as approved by the Budget Committee.

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:May 21, 2014
0.2 MB
7 - RESOLUTION 2014-001 Adopting Budget For FY 2014-2015

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:May 21, 2014
90 KB
8 - LB-50 Form For FY 2014-2015 budget

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:May 21, 2014
64 KB
9 - CCSWCD Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, ADOPTED May 20, 2014

Category:Budget 2014-2015
Date:May 23, 2014
1.1 MB