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New Budget Adopted for 2012-2013

Fund structure for 2012-2013

The Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District has adopted a budget that increases investments in on-the-ground conservation actions in Clackamas County.

On May 2, 2012, the Budget Committee approved a modified budget proposal for the coming fiscal year (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013). The public hearing was held at 12:30 pm on May 15, immediately preceding a regular meeting of the District’s Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors adopted the budget at their regular meeting on May 15.

Highlights of the new budget

District departments and programs restructured

Individual programs were eliminated, and District staff and programs are now covered by two departments. The new District Operations department covers the operation of the District, and the new Conservation Services department supports providing conservation services to others.

Funds provided to others now grouped into new fund

The District created a special revenue fund called the Conservation Fund. This fund is focused on the financial assistance we provide to others. Combined in the new fund are various expenditures that were previously captured in individual programs. The focus of the Conservation Fund is on installing conservation practices and supporting partner programs that advance the District’s conservation goals.

The funding allocated to the Conservation Fund is significantly more than what has been previously allocated, in keeping with the District’s desire to invest more funds in on-the-ground conservation actions.

Savings renewed for a conservation center

Five years ago, the District created the Building Reserve Fund. While Oregon law allows this fund to continue for ten years before being reviewed, the Board of Directors specified a five-year life. This year, the Budget Committee and the District’s Building Committee recommended renewing the Building Reserve Fund.

The purpose of this fund is to buy, build or lease a District facility. Ultimately, the District would like to have a facility that provides ample parking for customers, supports educational programs in multiple meeting rooms, and allows demonstration of conservation practices.

Tax rate remains below the maximum approved by voters

The tax rate adopted by the Board of Directors is increased from 4.5 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value to 4.9 cents. The maximum rate approved by voters for the District tax levy is 5 cents.

This nine-percent increase in the levy rate will generate additional funds that will be used to support contracting of some services and to accelerate saving for a conservation facility. Contracting for some services is expected to allow us to provide better service at lower total cost than if we hired more year-round staff. We expect that accelerating our saving program for a conservation facility will allow us to move to a new location sooner, thus reducing our operating costs and allowing more funds to be focused on meaningful conservation actions.


District is a taxing entity

Oregon Revised Statute chapter 294 requires public taxing entities to prepare a budget consistent with Oregon Local Budget Law.

The Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District is a special district of the State of Oregon and a local unit of government, formed under the authority of Oregon Revised Statute chapter 568, and with the powers and duties described in that law. In 2006, Clackamas County voters granted a permanent property tax rate limit to the District, making the District a public taxing entity that must comply with Oregon Local Budget Law.

Budget Committee

The District must establish a Budget Committee and must hold at least one public meeting to review and approve the upcoming year’s budget. The Budget Committee consists of the District’s governing body and an equal number of local citizens.

The Budget Committee meets to review, discuss, make additions or deletions, and approved the proposed budget presented by the local government’s budget officer. Upon completion of its deliberations, the Committee approves the budget and sets the tax rate or amount needed to balance the budget.

This year, the Budget Committee met on April 4 and on May 2.


Budget documents are available below.

Budget message for FY 2012-2013, plus addenda

Category:Budget 2012-2013
Date:May 3, 2012
1.3 MB
CCSWCD Budget - ADOPTED on May 15, 2012

This budget covers the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.

Category:Budget 2012-2013
Date:May 17, 2012
1.6 MB
CCSWCD Budget - approved on May 2, 2012

Category:Budget 2012-2013
Date:May 3, 2012
1.6 MB
LB1 Budget Hearing Notice - May 15, 2012

Category:Budget 2012-2013
Date:May 3, 2012
90 KB
Supplemental budget page adopted October 16, 2012

Only one item was changed in our adopted budget through this supplemental budget change: the District's Building Reserve Fund was appropriated, allowing expenditures from the Fund.

Category:Budget 2012-2013
Date:December 20, 2012
48 KB
Tmp 8e496e3b3974acde9992894f74beffd5

Category:Budget 2012-2013
Date:April 20, 2017
90 KB