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Register for Our Streamside Restoration Workshop Series!

Are you interested in providing wildlife habitat, better water quality, and erosion control on a creek, stream, or river? Then join us for our two day streamside restoration workshop that includes a blend of presentations and hands-on learning.

In this free workshop series, participants will learn:

At the end of the workshop series, participants will have the opportunity to work individually with professionals to answer any questions about their specific project or property.

All participants will receive a free printed copy of our brand new Streamside Restoration Guide.

Register Today for the Streamside Restoration Workshop!

Registration is open!

Our Partners Help Make this Workshop Possible!

Special thanks is given to our partners who are collaborating with us to offer this workshop: Clackamas River Basin Council, Oswego Lake Watershed Council, Tryon Creek Watershed Council. Pudding River Watershed Council, Backyard Habitat Program, Greater Oregon City Watershed Council, North Clackamas Watershed Council

Video Series Supports Workshop Content

Our Riparian Restoration video series is a great companion to the workshop. This four-part video series will show each stage of streamside restoration including site preparation, planting, and maintenance.

Riparian Restoration Part 1: Introduction

Riparian Restoration Part 2: Site Preparation

Riparian Restoration Part 3: Planting

Riparian Restoration Part 4: Maintenance