Become a SWCD Board Member! If you missed our virtual information session on June 13th, you can watch the video recording below!
NOTE: Did you miss the Board of Director Information Session on June 13th? You can watch the video recording here! You’ll need this Password to access the video: $Z5+4Qxg
PowerPoint slides form the video presentation can be found below.
Have you ever considered joining our Clackamas SWCD Board of Directors? We are actively looking for conservation and environment-minded people to join us either as elected officials or as associate board members. Sounds hard? Or like a lot of work? Maybe not!! Watch our video recording of our June 13th virtual information session. You might be surprised!!
New Oregon Law Means More People Can Serve!
A new law, Senate Bill 775, now allows more people to run for board positions in counties with 250,000 or more residents. This affects five counties: Clackamas, Lane, Marion, Multnomah, and Washington, and the seven conservation districts within them. Now, any registered voter living in a conservation district zone can run for board positions, either for at-large seats or in their own zone.
Before this law was passed, you had to own or manage 10 acres of land to run for these positions. The change means more people can help lead, making the boards more diverse and better reflecting the community. Anyone who wants to run must still collect signatures and file paperwork with the Oregon Department of Agriculture to appear on the ballot in November.
Who Can Be a Board or Associate Board Member?
Anyone living in the District’s boundaries who cares about farm and forest conservation, habitat restoration, and helping the community is welcome to run. People from different backgrounds are encouraged to share their unique perspectives.
“We believe that including everyone in decision-making leads to better results for people and the planet,” says Lisa Kilders, Assistant Manager at Clackamas SWCD. “By letting community members serve on our board, we are making sure all voices are heard and building a better future for everyone.”

The Clackamas SWCD Board of Directors.
Info Sheets and Strategic Plan
Looking for a few more details about being a board or associate board member? We’ve included some information sheets below, as well as a slimmed down copy of our strategic plan.
Oregon Department of Agriculture Candidate Packet
Individuals interested in running for an elected board position will need the information included in the Candidate Packet for SWCD Director 2024 elections: https://oda.direct/CandidatePacketforSWCDDirectorElections