You can have a green pasture, fewer weeds, and healthy forage for your horses with the right management practices.
Check out our three new videos that address horse pasture, mud, and manure management. They are quick and informative!
Did your dream of weed-free, lush pasture turn into weedy, muddy pastures with very little forage for your horses? This is a common complaint, but not a permanent condition. You can have a green pasture, fewer weeds, and healthy forage for your horses with the right management practices.
There are also practices that can be used if your manure pile is growing at an alarming rate.
Let Us Help You with Pasture, Mud, and Manure Management
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is ready and able to help you with your pasture, mud, and manure issues. We have conservation planners who can assist with:
- developing a weed control plan
- improving your pasture by recommending pasture grasses and soil amendments
- creating a rotational grazing plan
- designing a heavy use area
- designing a manure composting system that turns waste into a usable product
Go ahead and dream of green pastures, fewer dollars spent on hay, and a healthy place for your horses to run. We can help you accomplish your goal.
Your goal is also our goal. Healthy pastures, proper manure management, and fewer invasive weeds also protects our streams and wildlife. Our mission is to provide technical and practical services designed to conserve and use resources sustainably today and for future generations.
Our Pasture, Mud, and Manure Videos Show You the Way!
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is proud to offer three short videos with information that will give you a start on making your dream a reality.
- Keep Pastures Green and the Water Clean
- Mud Management for Cleaner Water
- Managing Manure for Cleaner Water
We hope you enjoy these videos.
Additional Resources for Pasture, Mud, and Manure Management
The following documents provide more in-depth information on these topics and more. As we develop new publications, we will add them to our list below.
- Managing Manure
- Manure Exchange Program
- Too Much Manure in the Barnyard?
- Pasture and Livestock Essentials
- TIPS on Land and Water Management for Small Acreages in Oregon
- Toxic Plants at HorseDVM
Clackamas SWCD is a Non-Regulatory Agency
CLACKAMAS SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SERVICES ARE BASED ON VOLUNTARY COOPERATION, NOT REGULATION. We do not issue tickets or turn people in. We often serve as an interface between a landowner and a regulatory agency. Our services and resources are available to people who collaborate with us to find solutions.
A special thanks to the Oregon Department of Agriculture for their financial support of our video project.
Learn More About Oregon Agriculture Water Quality Rules
Did you know that there are rules in Oregon set in place to prevent and control water pollution from agricultural activities and soil erosion on rural lands? Find out more from the Oregon Department of Agriculture website.