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Local Watershed Volunteer Opportunities


Watershed volunteers plant a variety of plants that will help protect soils, crowd out weeds, and provide habitat for native wildlife.

Late winter is upon us and our local watershed councils have many fabulous watershed volunteer opportunities available here in Clackamas County!

This is the best time of year for planting native trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Watershed councils are terrific at mobilizing volunteers from their community to get a huge amount of work done. Volunteer events in late winter are focused on planting, but clean-up events, trail clearing, and invasive weed removal events are held throughout the year.

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District partners with watershed councils in our area by providing annual partnership support grants and other funding. Projects supported by the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District help to protect drinking water, reduce erosion, and protect native fish and wildlife. Together, we are protecting our natural resources for enjoyment today and for future generations!

Be a Watershed Volunteer!

Right now there is an event in a nearby community for you and your friends or family! Take a look at these upcoming opportunities. Space is often limited, so be sure to register today!

North Clackamas Urban Watersheds Council

Tryon Creek Watershed Council

Johnson Creek Watershed Council

Clackamas River Basin Council

Oswego Lake Watershed Council

Don’t see a watershed volunteer event in your watershed? Reach out to your local watershed coordinator to find ways you can help!