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Conservation Actions Report for May 2012

As late spring begins to head toward summer, we continue to receive more requests for assistance!

In the Projects section, get updated on our “3D area” water quality work and our Milk Creek project.

In the Water – Weeds – Wildlife section, learn about our work with a 55-horse facility to deal with manure from their animals. We avert a marital crisis in an urban setting and respond to a flooding problem in a rural setting. Babies have the potential to interrupt our WeedWise workflow but cross-training assures seamless service to our customers!

You’ll also find interesting information about an urban stream, and about a side-channel project that needs a bit of help.

Significant space is spent talking about our new Local Priorities Program. This is just getting off the ground, so please do [contactus] if you have questions or concerns.

You’ll find a great thank you note sent to Erik for some work he did with the Springwater Environmental Sciences School.

Stay tuned for videos about erosion control practices on Christmas tree farms. We obtained some great footage that is being prepared now for release very soon.

Big news is Small Farms School is going to happen this September!

Finally, we wrap up with a quick update about our work with partners and how we’ve been helping others in the soil and water conservation district family.

E-Conservation Actions report, May 2012

Topics this month include: do one thing; budget adopted; project updates; manure management; garlic mustard treatments; Spring Creek; Sandy River; local priorities program; scholarships; Springwater Environmental Sciences School; Kellogg Creek; erosion control for Christmas tree farms; small farms school; work with partners and within the conservation district family; and workplace updates.

Category:Monthly reports
Date:June 22, 2012
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