Can lawn management practices contribute to the improved health of our pollinators? The answer is a resounding YES! Here are some helpful suggestions to consider during National Pollinator Week, and the rest of […]

Can lawn management practices contribute to the improved health of our pollinators? The answer is a resounding YES! Here are some helpful suggestions to consider during National Pollinator Week, and the rest of […]
In honor of national pollinator week (June 18 – 24) we are sharing this article written by Jay Kosa, the Communications Manager for Columbia Land Trust, a partner of the Backyard Habitat Certification […]
In March 2016, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District formally partnered with the Audubon Society of Portland and Columbia Land Trust to expand the Backyard Habitat Certification Program to additional urban areas […]
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District announces the expansion of the Backyard Habitat Certification Program in Clackamas County! The Backyard Habitat Certification Program is a joint project of the Audubon Society of […]
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