Lake Rake
We now have two new lake rakes to clear weedy or unwanted vegetation from your pond. . The lake rakes are adjustable and use a double-length handle or rope to toss and retrieve the rake. Both new rakes can float or sink depending on the vegetation being targeted. This tool comes with a rope to help you reach deeper into your pond. We have two lake rakes available for checkout including one with an extension handle.
- Lake rake and extension handle
- For those hard to reach lake weeds!
Shrub Buster™
The Shrub Buster™, also known as the Honeysuckle Popper™, is useful for uprooting shrubs of all sizes with fibrous root systems. The tool is no longer being manufactured. We have two sizes of this tool – one for large shrubs and one for small to medium sized shrubs.
- Shrub Buster™ 4 feet 7 inches 19 pounds
- Shrub Buster™ 6 foot 4 inches and 26 pounds
The Extractigator™ is useful for uprooting woody stems up to 2 inches in diameter. We have two of the standard size version of this tool complete with BigFoot™ attachment.
Weed Wrench™
The Weed Wrench™ is the original shrub removal tool. It is no longer being manufactured. We have four sizes: Mini, Light, Medium, and Heavy. There are 7 weed wrenches available to borrow. Have a week pulling party!
- Weed Wrench™ Mini – 2 feet, 5.25 pounds, 1 inch jaw capacity
- Weed Wrench™ Light – 3 feet 6 inches, 11.5 pounds, 1.5 inch jaw capacity
- Weed Wrench™ Medium – 4 feet 5 inches, 17.5 pounds, 2 inch jaw capacity
- Weed Wrench™ Heavy – 5 feet 2 inches, 24 pounds, 2.5 inch jaw capacity
Puller Bear™
The PullerBear XL™ is useful for uprooting woody vegetation. We have the Pro XL and Grip XL versions of this tool.
- PullerBear Pro XL™ 4 feet 8 inches, 17 pounds, 3 inch jaw capacity
- PullerBear Grip XL™ 4 feet 2 inches, 13.5 pounds, 2.25 inch jaw capacity
The Uprooter™ is useful for pulling woody vegetation. It is very similar to the Weed Wrench and is manufactured by a former employee of the Weed Wrench company. We have two of the standard Uprooters.
- Uprooter™ – 4 feet 5 inches, 15.75 pounds, 2.25 inch jaw capacity
- Staff models a replacement standard Uprooter™, and a new Uprooter™ mini.
Borrow a Tool from the Weed Tool Library!
Tackle those woody weeds early in the season while the soil is still soft! Give us a call at 503-210-6000 to check for availability and arrange pick up.
Looking for Other Tools or Implements?
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District offers an Equipment Rental Program which makes a variety of agricultural equipment available at reasonable prices to Clackamas County residents. Follow the link above to see which equipment is available and how to reserve it for use on your property!