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Streamside Planting and Maintenance Workbook and Video Series

Cover photo of the Streamside Planting and Maintenance Workbook

Check out our new Streamside Planting and Maintenance Workbook!

Do you have a stream on your property? Have you considered restoring the streamside for bank protection, wildlife habitat, and shade for the stream?

Today is your lucky day! You can now download your very own copy of our first “Do I Yourself Guide” – Streamside Planting and Maintenance Workbook. This workbook will walk you through the process from analyzing the site to multiple-year maintenance!

Now, all the references and online tools that you need are at your fingertips. This free workbook provides handy links resources you want. This includes the web soil survey, iNaturalist, and Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbook, to name just a few.

You will also find practical advice on surveying your site, incorporating native plants, and managing invasive weeds. To help keep you on track, we have even added a calendar with checklists of tasks to ensure your success.

Download the Workbook

Streamside Planting And Maintenance Workbook Final

Date:May 2, 2024
2.2 MB


Riparian zones are the river bank and adjacent land along rivers, creeks, and streams.

Video Series Supports Workbook Content

Interested in a video? Our Riparian Restoration video series is a great companion to the workbook. This four-part video series will show each stage of streamside restoration including site preparation, planting, and maintenance.

People who have stream side properties face different challenges than the typical landowner. The same goes for people who live along creeks and rivers. While these properties offer many attractive benefits, they also require care to maintain their structure, safety, and purpose.

This short video created by the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District. introduces our 4-part Riparian Restoration video series. This introductory video explains some of the important functions of riparian zones for wildlife, property owners, and users of our beautiful streams and rivers.

Watch the 4-Part Video Series Below!



Site Preparation





We Can Help With Your Riparian Zone

If you have a property with a riparian zone, we can help! Our technical staff have information and resources to help you manage your unique property. Protect your investment and all of the benefits a riparian zone brings to your community and all of the folks downstream. Give us a call today at 503-210-6000.

Check Back to learn about our next Streamside Restoration Workshop in 2025!