District Adopts New Strategic Plan

Cover of the Clackamas SWCD strategic plan.

The Clackamas SWCD has a new strategic plan.

A Message from Christopher Lapp, District Manager:

For the past twelve months, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District has worked to create a strategic plan that will guide the District for the next three years and beyond. This plan was developed collaboratively by board directors and staff with input from our stakeholders and partners. It will now act as a road map that lays out traditional and new approaches to support the natural resource priorities of the District. We believe strongly that it will help us to realize our full conservation mission potential.

The Plan is Both Flexible and Fluid

Our new plan will serve as a framework to guide the actions of the District for the coming years. We recognize that it will be a fluid plan to allow us to be responsive to the needs of our community. Our staff and board will utilize adaptive management practices to accomplish our stated goals and strategies.

The conservation landscape has changed in Clackamas County. The county’s population growth has placed new demands on the environment. This, combined with environmental stressors from a changing climate, creates a need for the District to reassess how we provide our services.

District Strategic Plan Has Five Primary Goals

The new plan sets forth five goals representing the pillars of the District’s conservation direction moving forward. Each goal is assigned corresponding strategies and actions to implement the goal. Our focus is on prioritizing our work, expanding programs where appropriate, and committing to regional conservation efforts and community engagement. The District is committed to achieving these goals while fostering an equitable culture throughout for staff and board.

Read the Newly Adopted Strategic Plan

The Clackamas SWCD strategic plan was adopted by the board of directors on June 20, 2023. A copy of the plan is available as a printed document available at the Conservation Resource Center located in Beavercreek, Oregon. A virtual copy of the full plan, as well as an easy-to-reference overview version of the plan, can be accessed below.

CSWCD Strategic Plan 2023-26 FINAL Web
CSWCD Strategic Plan 2023-26 FINAL Web
0.9 MB
Strategic Plan Overview 2023-1
Strategic Plan Overview 2023-1
1.7 MB

Clackamas SWCD