2022 Scholarship Application Available

Applications are now available for our 2022 Scholarship.

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) is pleased to announce our scholarship for the 2022-23 school-year.

The District is committed to supporting local students who care about our natural resources, want to promote conservation, and can impact future natural resource decisions. This year, one $3,000 scholarship will be offered to a college student majoring in the field of agriculture, natural resource science, or a related discipline.

Why Offer a Scholarship?

Clackamas County ranks in the top five Oregon counties in agricultural sales. It is well known for its abundance of natural resources, including popular recreation areas. It is also a drinking water source for the Portland metropolitan area. The CSWCD Board of Directors wants to provide financial resources to help support future conservation professionals. This scholarship is a win-win for students and the future of natural resources in our District.

Who is Eligible?

  • Applicants must be a graduate of a Clackamas County high school or a current resident of Clackamas County
  • The applicant must be at the sophomore level or above (sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student) working toward an associate, bachelor, or graduate degree
  • Student must be a full-time college student (12 hours or more per quarter or semester equivalent) studying agriculture, natural resource sciences, or a related field (i.e. horticulture, etc.)
  • Applicant must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0
  • Previous recipients may re-apply for the scholarship annually

How do I apply for the 2022 Scholarship?

To apply for this scholarship, download the information sheet, checklist, and application form below. A paper copy may be obtained by contacting the District office at 503-210-6000.

CSWCD Scholarship Information 2022
CSWCD Scholarship Information 2022
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CSWCD Scholarship 2022check List
CSWCD Scholarship 2022check List
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CSWCD Scholarship Application 2022
CSWCD Scholarship Application 2022
0.9 MB

What is the timeline?

Applications must be received by the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District staff at 22055 S. Beavercreek Rd., Suite 1, Beavercreek, OR 97004 on or before April 1, 2022. Applications may be emailed to [email protected]. For those hand delivering, the deadline is at 4:30 p.m. on April 1, 2022.

When will the 2022 Scholarship winner be announced?

The scholarship recipient will be approved at the April or May CSWCD Board meeting. The winner will be notified immediately following the board decision and may be asked to attend the June board meeting.

Clackamas SWCD