Request for Qualifications: Septic System Repair Services

RFQ for DEQ qualified septic repair contractors


The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) is pleased to publish a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Residential Septic System Repair Services. CSWCD is requesting applications from DEQ licensed Contractors, new or who were previously listed, who are qualified to perform work associated with residential septic system repairs and/or replacement of such systems.

The District intends to develop a referral list (List of Pre-qualified Contractors) to give to homeowners who are participating in Clackamas SWCD’s Residential Septic System Repair Loan Program.

Apart from prequalifying installers, CSWCD’s sole role in the program is to provide funding. The property owner will select an installer from the List of Prequalified Contractors, and CSWCD will disburse funds for the installer’s work. CSWCD shall have no contractual relationship with any prequalified installer, nor shall CSWCD manage, supervise, or approve any work performed by any installer.

All work performed must be approved by the Clackamas County Septic and Onsite Wastewater Program office and receive a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion. Payment to any single installer shall be subject to program limits. Inclusion on the List is not a guarantee that the installer will be chosen by homeowners to perform work, nor is it intended to guarantee an installer’s performance.

New septic system in ground.

All applications must be received by 4:00 pm on May 28, 2021 (or postmarked by May 27th)

CSWCD will review applications against several criteria, including the installer’s current DEQ licenses, experience, references, and capacity to perform repairs and serve the target area. Each applicant will be notified as to whether they have qualified to be included on the List of Prequalified Contractors.

The List will remain in effect until June 30, 2024, or upon the contractor’s license expiration or if their business is dissolved. Individual contractors may be removed from the List at the sole discretion of CSWCD. All applications become the property of CSWCD for use in administering the program.


PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK: Septic System Repair Services

Services include but are not limited to the following:

  • Existing system inspection/evaluation
  • Test pit preparation and Clackamas County site evaluation applications
  • System design
  • Permit applications
  • Installation
  • Coordination of inspections

Please see the RFQ (below) for additional information. The application to apply is also posted below, as is a list of frequently asked questions (Q&A).


Eann Rains, Conservation Investments Coordinator
RFQ 2021-RSSRS-01
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District
22055 S. Beavercreek Rd., Suite 1
Beavercreek, OR 97004
Cell: 503-998-1752
Email: [email protected]

RFQ Residential Septic Repair Svcs 2021-24
RFQ Residential Septic Repair Svcs 2021-24
0.3 MB

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Clackamas SWCD