Annual Report Published for Fiscal Year 2018-2019

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual report and audit for fiscal year 2018-2019 are now available. Fiscal year 2018-2019 covers the period from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

(Oregon Revised Statute 568.580 requires soil and water conservation districts to produce an annual report: “Each year after the creation of the first board of directors at a time fixed by resolution of the board, the board, by giving due notice, shall call an annual meeting of the landowners in the district and present an annual report and audit.”)

Message from the General Manager

The cover of the 2018-2019 annual report features the Eagle Creek Community Forest.

The cover of the 2018-2019 annual report features the Eagle Creek Community Forest.

As another year closes we look back to see from where we came and in what direction we are heading.

Our mission is to provide technical and practical services designed to conserve and use resources sustainable today and for future generations. These resources include water quality and quantity, soil health, and wildlife habitat.

We have made investments in habitat restoration, streambank protection, and similar work that will remain on the landscape for generations protecting our shared resources.

Surprisingly, most of the conservation actions that we help people accomplish have a relatively short lifespan. For instance, livestock exclusion fencing, off-channel water for animals, heavy use areas, and many other practices each have a limited life. While these practices protect our resources, they are not designed to be permanent, long-lasting features on the landscape.

This year, the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District chose to balance these short-term conservation practices with long-term investments. One investment that we are particularly proud of is the acquisition of the Eagle Creek Community Forest. This 319-acre working forest will provide recreation, protect water quality and wildlife habitat, and produce revenue for conservation programs for many, many decades, to come.

A second accomplishment was starting the construction of a new, permanent facility that will help us provide better customer service and will ultimately cost less than leasing office space. The new Conservation Resource Center in Beavercreek, Oregon will be the permanent home for the District. Here we will offer conservation programs and services and provide demonstrations and education opportunities for our local landowners today and for future generations.

That is a lot of change in just one year. The new forest and the new building both impact the District substantially over the next few years. It will take us some time to adjust to these ripples, but one thing won’t change: our commitment to provide the best conservation service to the people who want our help.

Thank you for another great year, and we look forward to sharing with you more wonderful success in the years to come!

Yours for conservation,

Tom Salzer, General Manager

2018-2019 Annual Report
2018-2019 Annual Report
3.4 MB

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Clackamas SWCD