Agricultural Pesticide Collection Event, October 2019

It's time to dispose of old, restricted, or unusable pesticides.

It’s time to dispose of old, restricted, or unusable pesticides.

Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District is happy to announce that there will be a FREE Agricultural Pesticide Collection Event on Saturday, October 26, 2019 in Clackamas, OR.

This is an ideal opportunity for agricultural producers or their family members to search out their barns, sheds, and basements for old, restricted, or unusable pesticides.

Participation in the event is FREE and ANONYMOUS, but participants must pre-register for an appointment. This allows Clean Harbors to have the necessary containers and protective equipment on hand to manage incoming pesticides.

Funding for this agricultural pesticide collection event is limited, so please register early to secure your spot!

Pre-Register for the Pesticide Collection Event by October 17th

  • Contact Charles Lamb of Clean Harbor Environmental Services at 971-202-3825 or by email at [email protected]
  • After October 17th, call Clean Harbors to see if room is available
  • Registration Forms and additional information can be found below
Clackamas Pesticide Collection Event Application 2019
Clackamas Pesticide Collection Event Application 2019
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We will also accept clean, “dirt and residue free”, triple rinsed or pressure-washed plastic pesticide containers. No registration is needed for empty containers.

This collection event is sponsored by: Clackamas SWCD, Clackamas River Water Providers, Valley Agriplas, and the Oregon Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Quality.

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Clackamas SWCD