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We Have a New Name!

Photo by Jason FauceraEffective June 22, 2015, the District’s new name is: Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District.

At the April 21, 2015 meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board adopted resolution 2015-004 to officially begin the process of getting the District’s name changed. The text of that resolution (shown below) explains the reasons for this action.

WHEREAS the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District is a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, subject to the provisions for change of legal name described in Oregon Revised Statute 568.555; and

WHEREAS the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District finds that, in part due to the inclusion of the word “county” in the District’s legal name, many constituents believe the District to be a part of county government, clouding the District’s non-regulatory role in conserving natural resources of concern to the State of Oregon; and

WHEREAS the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District wishes to create clarity and avoid confusion so as to provide more effective service to District constituents and thus improve the conservation of natural resources in the State of Oregon;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District do hereby petition the Secretary of State to change the official name of the District to the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District, making the change in name on the appropriate records in the Office of the Secretary, and recording and issuing to the District directors a new certificate of formation containing the new name.

The above resolution was approved and declared adopted by the Board of Directors at a public meeting of the Board held on April 21, 2015, at the Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District office in Oregon City, and duly noticed to the public.

A copy of the official certificate as issued by the Office of the Secretary of State is available at the following link:

District name change by Oregon Secretary of State, June 22, 2015.