We are excited to share this announcement with agricultural professionals interested in a hands-on composting classes.

Mechanized compost turning
OSU Extension, Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Western SARE Program are co-sponsoring Agricultural Composting Resource and Education Series (ACRES), a two-day hands-on workshop being held on two Fridays: April 24 and May 1. The course is designed for agricultural professionals and agricultural composters.
The workshop is held at Oregon State University’s new Agricultural Composting Facility at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center. The course will include hands-on and classroom activities. Participants will learn about different composting methods, facility design and location, environmental and regulatory concerns, equipment for agricultural composting, developing compost recipes, using compost, and more.
More information and registration can be found at on the small farms website. Registration is $90 per person and includes lunches and resource material.