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Oswego Lake Watershed Tour: Low-Impact Development Practices

Join Stephanie Wagner, Oswego Lake Watershed Council, and Erik Carr, Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, for an interactive morning exploring watershed functions and nature-friendly development practices in Lake Oswego. We will discover where our streams begin in our neighborhoods and look at ways City and community members are working to keep our watersheds healthy.

Meet at the Uplands Elementary School parking lot to explore the headwaters of Springbrook Creek and investigate the connection to Oswego Lake and the Willamette River. We will then form carpools to tour the city and see some of the innovative low-impact development practices being installed to protect the watershed and improve water quality, including rain gardens, greenroofs and green streets.

When: Saturday, October 13, 2012 from 9:00 am – Noon
Where: Uplands Elementary School, 2055 SW Wembley Park Road, Lake Oswego- meet at the covered play area for an introduction to the morning and to form carpools.
RSVP: Erik Carr, Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, 503-210-6012

Please RSVP by October 12, 2012, so we may plan for car coordination.

Limit 20 people. Call today!