Annual Report Published for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual report and audit for fiscal year 2019-2020 are now available. Fiscal year 2019-2020 covers the period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

(Oregon Revised Statute 568.580 requires soil and water conservation districts to produce an annual report: “Each year after the creation of the first board of directors at a time fixed by resolution of the board, the board, by giving due notice, shall call an annual meeting of the landowners in the district and present an annual report and audit.”)

2019-2020 Annual Report
2019-2020 Annual Report
0.8 MB

Message from the Board Chair

No matter where we begin a review of our previous year, we inevitably end up discussing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The discipline and adjustments required to continue operations, balanced with the necessity to expand our definition of diversity and inclusion, lead us to evaluate a year with unprecedented challenges. These are the challenges that provided the District with the opportunity to excel.

Like everyone, we had to adapt quickly to enable us to fulfill our mission of responding to the needs of our constituents. Where some saw only roadblocks and obstacles, the staff at Clackamas Soil and Water saw opportunities to develop new avenues for communication. The resulting network has enabled many impressive conversations and the calls for technical assistance have significantly increased. As we tentatively begin to return to more traditional forms of dialogue, these new skills will remain and serve to strengthen the District’s outreach.

We must not allow the cloud of this year to overshadow recognition of some major accomplishments:

  • Completion of the Conservation Resource Center is an achievement that will resonate for generations to come. Major construction ended in the fall of 2019 and staff began the new decade settling into their new home. Of course, only a few months later all that would change as the doors had to close while staff worked remotely; but the building will be there when we are allowed to return.
  • Our ongoing work with the Eagle Creek Community Forest property. We are lending our efforts to help establish an advisory council to steward the care of this vital resource.

Any recognition of our staff and Board must include sincere gratitude to the citizens of Clackamas County. Our work begins with your desire to improve and protect the land and water resources of our region.

Thank you,
Jeff Becker



Clackamas SWCD