Supplemental Budget Adopted by Board of Directors

On March 15, 2016 the District’s Board of Directors adopted a revised supplemental budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016). Several adjustments were made.

General Fund

The total resources available to the General Fund are much greater than were budgeted at the time of adoption last spring. The total increase in resources and requirements for the General Fund is $526,861.

On the resources side of the page, the General Fund started out with $38,000 more working capital on July 1, 2016 than was predicted during the development of the budget. The revised budget shows that increase on the Resources page. The sale of the Pleasant Avenue property should bring in $135,000 more income than we had expected. The revised budget adds that extra income to the General Fund on the Resources page.

In the requirements section of the budget, staffing changes cause personnel costs to be less than originally budgeted. The costs for materials and services are expected to be $38,000 more than originally budgeted. Capital outlay costs are expected to be $21,000 under budget. The revised budget adjusts those expenses accordingly.

Transfers from the General Fund are increased to support commitments for conservation implementation work.

Conservation Fund

The Conservation Fund requires more resources than originally budgeted to meet the District’s prior commitments as well as requests that have come in this year. This situation is due in part to the timing of large projects at the transition between fiscal years. The total increase in resources and requirements is $370,018.

Demand on Conservation Fund dollars in fiscal year 2015-2016 is greater than anticipated in spring 2015 when the budget was developed, both from already existing projects that are taking longer to complete than anticipated and new project requests from landowners and partners.

The total appropriation is increased by $299,200. Saving for future expenditure is increased by about $71,000. Those reserves include funds to be used specifically for future loans to landowners.

Working Lands Legacy Fund

The Working Lands Legacy Fund has fewer financial needs this year than was budgeted. The total reduction in resources and requirements is $52,500. The Fund is spending at a slower rate than budgeted this year, so a transfer from the General Fund is not needed to cover the expenses. The revised budget transfers that $50,000 to the Conservation Fund instead. The appropriation for the Working Lands Legacy Fund is reduced by $77,500.

Building Reserve Fund

The Building Reserve Fund has a revised budget that moves money around within the fund and increases the amount to be saved for the future. There is a total increase in resources and requirements of $41,531. The Building Reserve Fund is spending at a slower rate than budgeted for acquiring and improving property and making capital improvements. These savings may allow the District to pay off the loan on the Beavercreek Farm earlier than expected. The proposed revised budget for the Building Reserve Fund reflects this change in expenses. The revised budget saves $43,500 more for the future than previously budgeted. The appropriation for the Building Reserve Fund is reduced by $2,000.

Download the revised supplemental budget from the list of fiscal year 2015-2016 budget files below:

1 - Budget Calendar for FY 2015-2016
1 - Budget Calendar for FY 2015-2016
0.1 MB
2 - CCSWCD budget message for FY 2015-2016 proposed budget
1.4 MB
3 - CCSWCD budget proposed for FY 2015-2016
3 - CCSWCD budget proposed for FY 2015-2016
CCSWCD_Budget-FY_2015 2016-PROPOSED.pdf
0.9 MB
4 - Responses to Budget Committee Requests and Questions
4 - Responses to Budget Committee Requests and Questions
0.2 MB
5 - CCSWCD budget for FY 2015-2016 approved by Budget Committee
5 - CCSWCD budget for FY 2015-2016 approved by Budget Committee
0.9 MB
6 - Resolution 2015-005 Adopting Budget For FY 2015-2016
6 - Resolution 2015-005 Adopting Budget For FY 2015-2016
Budget Resolution 2015-005 Adopting FY 2015-2016 Budget.pdf
Version: ADOPTED
74 KB
7 - CCSWCD Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, ADOPTED May 19, 2015
7 - CCSWCD Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, ADOPTED May 19, 2015
Version: ADOPTED
0.3 MB
8 - CSWCD Supplemental Budget for FY 2015-2016 - ADOPTED 15March2016
8 - CSWCD Supplemental Budget for FY 2015-2016 - ADOPTED 15March2016
0.9 MB

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Clackamas SWCD