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Videos Highlight Conservation District Work

Our organization is ever-growing and changing, but our deep commitment to serving private landowners in Clackamas County remains strong! Together, we can conserve the natural resources that make our community a wonderful place to live, work, and play for today and for future generations.

We invite you to learn more about who we are and what we do by viewing our latest public service announcement, produced by the talented folks at the Clackamas County Government Channel.

Interested in learning more about your Conservation District? Check out our collection of videos highlighting a wide variety of conservation issues and projects on Vimeo.

Think you might want to put together a conservation plan for your own property? Give us a call at 503-210-6000. Our conservation planners have a wealth of technical resources available to help you achieve your goals for your property while protecting our water, soil, and native wildlife.

Many thanks to Sanctuary Video, Production & Design and Clackamas County, Oregon for their efforts documenting our work.