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Plant with us Along the Trolley Trail!

Milwaukie Trolley Trail

Stringfield Park – The Trolley Trail

Volunteers are needed to help us restore native habitat in Stringfield Park along the Trolley Trail with native plants, shrubs and trees!

This bike-friendly planting event is a great opportunity to shake off your winter blahs, get some fresh air and exercise, and make a meaningful contribution to your community. A couple of our crews will be biking along the Trolley Trail to plant trees and shrubs. If you have a bike and the ability to bring it to this event, please do! If you don’t, there will be plenty of planting opportunities for those on foot as well.

Please arrive around 8:45 a.m. to be registered and assigned to a crew. The planting will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. We provide breakfast snacks and hot chocolate/coffee, as well as gloves, tools and guidance. Please come dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes and get ready to have fun!

RSVPs are kindly requested for groups of more than 5 people – click HERE to do so.

Please contact Andy or Jenny at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information.

This event is sponsored by Clackamas County SWCD, North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District, North Clackamas Urban Watershed Council, Oak Lodge Sanitary District and Friends of Trees.