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Bumble Bee Watch is Live!

bumble bee by Mace Vaughn

Bumble bee (by Jason Faucera)

Bumble bee (by Jason Faucera)

We are pleased to share this exciting announcement from our friends at the Xerces Society.

Big news! Xerces Society has launched a new web site: This site allows you to be directly involved in protecting bumble bees throughout North America. It will connect you to experts and other enthusiasts, and help build a comprehensive picture of where bumble bees are thriving and where they need help.

Rich Hatfield — the Xerces Society endangered species conservation biologist who coordinated creation of the website — said: “We have an amazing community of citizen scientists who have helped us follow a handful of bee species. This new web site will generate greater awareness and allow us to draw more people into this community.”

Bumble Bee Watch is a partnership between the Xerces Society, Wildlife Preservation Canada, the University of Ottawa, the Montreal Insectarium, the Natural History Museum in London, and BeeSpotter.